I enjoy studying the methods of established brands/companies marketing
their brand especially when they decide to be unconventional.
My first experience with viral marketing was the teaser trailers on YouTube of the movie Cloverfield - the film which was shot from the nauseating view point of a handheld camera that recorded the rampaging Godzilla-like monster minus the screaming Japanese people, in an almost amateurish which lends to a degree of realism. The trailers were a collection of short recorded clips that showed bizarre sightings suggesting the existence of the something big but not revealing anything more. Keep in mind, the movie content was kept under wraps really well without a hint of what the movie was about so the impact of these trailers was absolutely gripping. The concept was simple and the content even simpler (in fact, the movie didn't show much of the monster itself which gave it more suspense and played on the imagination of the viewer) but it was 'cool'.
Some of the key elements of viral marketing is something that sticks; exploits common motivation; and can be easily shared by leveraging on the network of others.
I'm a month late with this news but...
Prada's S/S 2012 car inspired shoes are a collection that definitely sticks to ones imagination whether you like it or not. Yes, it's pretty obvious I'm a huge fan of this particular collection's design. And teaming up with Iranian-born, Paris-based graphic artist Vahram Muratyan
to present their new project Prada Parallel Universes, a series of
illustrated animated gifs. is a brilliant way to spread effortlessly across the internet world. Admittedly, the design of the gifs. is so simple that it looks like something anyone with minimal knowledge of flash could accomplish. But, there lies the charm no? A simple concept with even simpler content but undeniably 'cool'.
On a side note, Vahram Muratyan is famed for his delightfully witty ‘Paris vs New York’ series, visually contrasting the two cities cliché’s. Do check him out!
See the rest of the animations here or at Prada.com.
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